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2007 International Workshop

Evaluating public-private partnerships

What impacts on commissions and the project ? What impacts on the quality of buildings and services ?

29-30 November 2007, INHA, Paris

30 November 2007

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Scientific organisation: Elisabeth Campagnac, Latts
This workshop –seminar is organised in partnership with Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés, Latts, Enpc And supported by Plan Urbanisme Construction Architecture (PUCA)

Session 1 :The impact of PPP on commission

Round-table 1: PPP : what are they ?
Debater: Thérèse Evette, Let, Ensa Paris-La Villette

- The diversity of PPP in Europe, Pr Hans Wilhelm Alfen, Bauhaus Universität, Weimar, Allemagne
- Institutional PPP and contractual PPP, Christian Gauffin, Neels secretary, Sweden
- The implementation of the partnership contract in France : continuity and breakdown, Elisabeth Campagnac, Latts, Enpc, France

Round-table 2: Changes in terms of commission and redefining of public clients competences
Debater: Elisabeth Campagnac, Latts, Enpc

- The experience of "competitive dialogue", Alain Arnaud, Main Officer, New Evry-Corbeil Hospital, France
- Delegating operating, monitoring performances: which new competences for the public clients?, Guy Garcin, AMOTMJ, Ministry of Justice Agency, France
- The consultants as mediators between public and private partners, Lionel Serbat, 2i conseil, France

Session 2 : The impact of PPP on the quality of buildings and services

Round-table 3: Public commission, private commission and architectural design
Debater : Véronique Biau, Crh-Cressac, UMR Louest, Ensa Paris Val-de-Seine

- [Commission management and quality of Design], John Senan Cole, manager of Real estate development, department of Health and public safety, North-Ireland, Royaume-Uni
- Gestion de la commande et qualité du service, Christian Berehouc, Mainh, mission d’appui aux investissements hospitaliers, France
- Evaluating the quality of design in the PFI projects, Tim Drewitt, Riba, Royaume-Uni

Round-table 4: From the commission to the project, from construction to services : redefining of design
Debater : Marc Colombard-Prout, CSTB and François Lautier, Let

- Design in PPP: loss or redefining the architects’ competences?, Antoine Mazzoni, Latts, France
- Lessons from the PPP experience, Nicolas Chabanne, architecte, France
- The high environmental quality: design under competitive dialogue, Nicolas Favet, architect planner, Club D2C management, France
- Quality of the buildings and environmental issues, Nicolas de Maistre, PFE, Latts, France

Session 3 : Evaluating PPP

Round-table 5: Nature and status of evaluation: ex ante and ex post evaluation : economic and accounting dimension
Debater : Pr Hans Wilhelm Alfen, Bauhaus Universität, Weimar, and Frédéric Bougrain, CSTB

- The institutions of evaluation and the national variations, Pr. Hans Wilhem Alfen, Bauhaus Universität, Weimar, Allemagne
- Status of evaluation in a PPP contract, Francois Bergère, main manager of MAPP, French Treasury PPP Task Force, Ministère des Finances, France
- The best value for money and its main issues, Pr Geert Dewulf, Twente University, Netherlands
- Costs evaluation as a theme of debate in United Kingdom, David Price, Edinburgh University, United Kingdom

Round-table 6: What changes in the services : intermediary services and final services ?
Debater : Elisabeth Campagnac, Latts, Enpc

- The practices of ex post evaluations : PFI in schools, Sir Andrew Foster, author of "PFI in schools" report, ordered by Audit Commission, United Kingdom
- Lessons from ex post evaluations for PFI in hospitals and roads, Jean Shaoul, Manchester business school, Manchester University, United Kingdom
- The US experience: an overview and some observations on design and service implications, Charles Brecher, Graduate school of public service, New-York University, Etats-Unis
- Intermediary service, final service : lessons from the outsourcing of services (schools, hospitals), Margie Jaffe, Policy Officer, Unison, United Kingdom

Session 4 : Synthesis and research perspectives

Synthesis of PhDs about the PPP in the Eastern Europe Keynote speakers:

- Cathy Zadra Veil, LED-SIGEM, , university of Paris 8, France
- Rein Juriado, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Sredojevic Sladjana, European Investment Bank (EIB)

Research session : main questions, social debates and research perspectives
Keynote speakers:

- Elisabeth Campagnac, Latts, and members of the Ramau scientific committee

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