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15/10/20 - Appel à communications - Colloque international "Architecture & Gender"

jeudi 15 octobre 2020

Appel à proposition pour le colloque international "Architecture & Gender:Feminisms & the spatialization of resistances" en anglais, espagnol et portugais qui se déroulera entièrement en ligne en avril 2021.

"The V International Congress Architecture and Gender | ACTION. Feminisms and the spatialization of resistances is the continuity of reflections organized since 2015 and mainly from southern Europe, enabling the construction of networks, research and transcontinental experiences. In this genealogy, with varied programs and themes, the previous congresses are ArquitectAs (2014, Seville), Matrices (2015, Lisbon), MORE (2017, Florence), and Fielding Architecture (2019, Brighton). The fifth edition emphasizes the political component of space and rights intersection, never forgetting the diversity of being a woman or a girl and the crossing with the current circumstances derived from the COVID-19 pandemic."


"Throughout the world, in diverse socio-cultural and professional spheres, several struggles against patriarchy, racism and capitalism are organized collectively. From bodies to global territories, in local and transnational contexts, space strands’ understanding and action are fundamental answers to discriminations, marginalization and absence of rights. Starting from resistance dynamics in the production and appropriation of territories, cities, architectures and objects, we are especially looking for contributions placed as purposive actions in the spatialization of rights. In the context of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, emphasis will also be placed on critical and situated reflections on, on the one hand, the affect and alteration of women’s lives in the private and public spheres, and, on the other hand, what are the possibilities for territories we inhabit."


"Among others, this congress intends to discuss and act, in a critical reflection framework, on the following topics :

  • Equality between women and men and their spatial dimensions with diverse scales (body – house – city – macro territory) ;
  • Climate justice and (eco)feminists spatial praxis in the territorial embodiment of equality and women and girls’ roles in effectively defending territories and the planet ;
  • Professional practices as feminist emancipatory processes of architectures, cities and spaces in a broad sense ;
  • History, stories and feminist methodologies in the construction of amplified narratives ;
  • Spatial pedagogies – territorial, urban, architectural, among others – as alternative models with transformative potential."


Date limite de soumission : le 15 octobre 2020

Soumission sur la plateforme en ligne

Modalités : abstracts en anglais, espagnol ou portugais de 300 mots maximum accompagnés de 5 références bibliographiques et de l’axe choisi.

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