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11/12/19 - Conférence "The Rise and Fall and Rise again of Feminist Achitecture History"

mercredi 11 décembre 2019

Conférence (en anglais) "The Rise and Fall and Rise again of Feminist Architecture History, 1970 to the Present" de Mary McLeod, Professeure, Columbia University GSAPP, organisée par l’ENSA Paris-Malaquais.

"This presentation will attempt to summarize the evolution of feminist approaches to architectural history and criticism in the United States from the late 1970s to the late 1990s. It will propose that this evolution might be divided into three overlapping phases."

"The first phase introduced neglected women designers into historical accounts and extended ideas of both architecture and feminism by considering the contributions of early domestic reformers. Like much of second-wave feminism, it was explicitly activist, geared toward equality and redefining the profession. [...] More recently, however, a new interest in feminism seems to have emerged both in the profession and in the schools. What might this mean for contemporary architects and architectural historians ? How might we assess feminist approaches to date ?"

"Architecte et historienne de l’architecture, Mary McLeod est professeure d’architecture à la Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP), où elle enseigne l’histoire et la théorie de l’architecture et, à l’occasion, le projet. Elle a également enseigné à Harvard University, à l’University of Kentucky, à l’University of Miami et à l’Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies. Ses recherches et publications portent sur l’histoire du mouvement moderne et sur la théorie de l’architecture contemporaine, ainsi que sur le féminisme et l’architecture, en examinant des questions relatives aux liens entre l’architecture et l’idéologie. [...]"


Date : le 11 décembre 2019 à 18h.

Lieu : ENSA Paris-Malaquais, Salle Callot 3, 1 rue Jacques Callot, Paris 06

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