Accueil du site > 07. Agenda > 30/03/18 - Appel à contributions - "Developpement urbain au Moyen Orient et (...)

30/03/18 - Appel à contributions - "Developpement urbain au Moyen Orient et en Afrique du Nord

vendredi 30 mars 2018

Appel à contributions pour la revue en ligne Middle East – Topics & Arguments (META) pour le numéro du printemps 2019.


"This issue intends to critically investigate and question processes of urban change and transformation from a wide range of (trans-)disciplinary, conceptual and theoretical, as well as methodological, approaches."

"[T]he proposed themed issue intends to bring together various papers that critically tackle the complex current urban re-configurations and disparate development paths of contemporary urban dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa from cross-fertilising multidisciplinary perspectives. Besides widely present “global cities”, this also includes less-investigated “secondary cities” that nevertheless undergo much the same experiences. As it is done in most social and cultural disciplines today, we understand “urban development” as an open, non-linear and non-teleological process of recurrent transformation and change covering a broad range of aspects, and going far beyond urban planning and architecture alone. However, the term “development” is not neutral and should be attentively scrutinized in itself. In connection with the general tendencies outlined above, urban development also includes issues such as :

  • urban governance
  • place branding
  • migrating urban models
  • the integration of cities into global and regional networks
  • esthetical challenges
  • heritage politics with respect to colonial architecture and former cosmopolitanism
  • and the question of how individuals and groups enact, contribute to and deal with current urban transformations"


Date limite de soumission : 30 mars 2018

Adresse d’envoi :

Voir en ligne : l’appel à contribution sur le site de la revue

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