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08/01/18 - Appel à communications - State Transformations, Spatial Austerity and the Globalization of Urban Decline : in Search of Alternative Urban Policies

lundi 8 janvier 2018

Appel à communications dans le cadre du congrès annuel de la Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) sur le thème "Global Reordering : Prospect for Equality, Democracy and Justice", organisé à Kyoto, Université de Dôshisha, du 23 au 25 juin 2018.


This mini-conference welcomes contributions that help illuminate current shifts in planning practices and discourses, as well as in local politics under an age of austerity, with a focus on economically depleted cities and regions.

Submitted papers can address, but are not limited to, the following issues :

1/ Analysis of the impacts of austerity urbanism, using quantitative or qualitative datasets. Although critical analyses of the urbanisation of neoliberalism originated in US/UK case-based studies, the urban political economy framework can be applied to explain the effects of State restructurings on countries with diverse planning cultures, such as France or Japan. How does it translate into income disparities at several scales (inter-regional, intra-urban, etc.) or into country-specific distribution of devitalization ?

2/ Interscalar conflicts or arrangements revealed through the application of downsizing projects in declining areas : who are the national or local coalitions behind the enforcement of downsizing principles and what are their objectives ?

3/ Transversal or sectoral approaches to the concrete implementation of downsizing measures in declining areas, like planned demolition/reconstruction in the housing sector. How do we describe the cases where said measures have resulted in greater or – on the contrary – lesser spatial justice ?

4/ The realities of citizen involvement in city downsizing : what is the extent of their participation to greening or equity-oriented initiatives ?


Date limite de remise : 8 janvier 2018 inclus

Modalité de remise : en ligne, sur le site de la SASE ou, en cas de difficultés, à l’adresse :

Deux formats de soumission :

  • Communication individuelle : 100 mots, 3 mots clefs
  • Session : 100 mots, 3 mots clefs pour la session et pour chaque communication comprise dans la session (au nombre de trois ou quatre)

Voir en ligne : l’appel à communications détaillé sur le site de la SASE

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