Accueil du site > 07. Agenda > 03-05/10/2013 - Architectural Education and Reality of the Ideal

03-05/10/2013 - Architectural Education and Reality of the Ideal

jeudi 3 octobre 2013

Architectural Education and Reality of the Ideal - Environmental Deisgn for innovation in a post-crisis world
Séminaire organisé par l’ENHSA (European Network of Head of Schools of Architecture)
Ecole d’architecture Aversa and Federico II (Naples).

"ENSHA Thematic Network is delighted to announce the second conference in its series on teaching environmental design to architects. The first, held two years ago in Cyprus, was entitled "Teaching a new environmental Culture : The environment as a question of Architectural Education". It focused on the way schools of architecture in Europe embrace the contemporary concern that architecture should be environmentally conscious and sensitive. It investigated the manner in which environmental issue have become part of school curricula, and explored the pedagogical approaches that schools implement to ensure that knowledge and skills adequate for these issues are passed on to students. Methods for integrating the environment into the design studio were investigated that could support the profile needed of a graduate capable of creating environmentally sensitive architecture. In short, the first event focused on the structure of environmental education. The second will be primarily oriented towards the content of this education. To this end, our network wishes to prime this debate by making two central and complementary propositions. The first is that the environment can and must be approached as a force for innovation in architectural design ; as a context from which new ideas, forms and materialities can emerge able to advance architectural thinking and creation. The second proposition is that this innovative ideal has to be aligned with the reality of the human situation being shaped by the post-crisis world. In other words, it has become imperative to redefine the environmental design ideals which serve at present as objectives for our educational pratices, in the light of the significant economic and cultural changes that have been overtaking us over the last twenty years." _

Voir en ligne : sur le site de l’ENHSA

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