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2014 Ramau conferences - Planning

Management of architectural and urban settings in an age of sustainable development: practices, changes and challenges

13 and 14 October 2014, Paris, Grande Arche de La Défense
24 July 2014

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Following the study days dedicated to “architectural and town planning professions faced with the involvement of residents and users” in 2012 and “sustainable town planning and architecture know-how and models” in 2013, the aim of the Ramau 2014 conferences is to concentrate on the relations between sustainability and “management” in the field of urban development and architecture. The incorporation of sustainable development in architectural, urban and landscaping operations seems to have the effect of increasing the concern for management logic in the project process.

The fields traditionally assigned to management, such as budgets (investments, consumption) and rental or residential relationships, are becoming increasingly complex due to the growing interest shown in the environment. In parallel, there is a move towards new challenges, particularly that of understanding the relevance of projects in view of repeated in situ adjustments between the expectations of recipients and the services provided by the built or developed environment. These preoccupations lead to increased questioning concerning the “performance”, “profitability” and even “relevance” of projects. The way in which to imagine “residents”, “users” or “final users” and to then invite them to give their opinion or jointly construct projects has become a major challenge for qualified stakeholders. Within this context, in what ways are the skills, trades, practices and organization of stakeholder systems developing? How are users and managers associated? How important is the anticipatory management of the various spatial and technical systems during the project (whether new or renovation works), particularly during the design phase? How is management organized following the delivery of the buildings or other developed spaces? Have evaluations of the systems been incorporated and how? All questions that the Ramau Conference attempts to focus on.


Monday 13 October

- 9h30 Reception and opening
9h45 Official welcome – Panos MANTZIARAS, Ministry of Culture and Communication, Emmanuel RAOUL, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, a representative of Region Ile-de-France

10h00 RAMAU welcome, network managers, Elise MACAIRE, LET-UMR LAVUE, Véronique BIAU, CRH-UMR LAVUE, Michael FENKER, LET-UMR LAVUE, presentation of Rencontres 2014, Isabelle GRUDET, LET-UMR LAVUE, Nadine ROUDIL, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, Hélène SUBREMON, UMR LATTS, ENPC-UPEMLV

- 10h30 Introductory session, run by Nadine ROUDIL, Laboratoire Services Process Innovations, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB). Discussion leader: Ludovic HALBERT, Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés (UMR LATTS), ENPC, UPEMLV.
The management of built environment in an age of sustainable development: framework elements

  1. Space as a management issue: new questions in the context of sustainable urban development - Michael FENKER, director of the Laboratoire Espaces Travail (LET - UMR LAVUE), Ensa de Paris La Villette, member of the network’s scientific secretariat, with a guest speaker
  2. Urban services companies. City’s planners: the battle of the socio-economic models ? - Taoufik SOUAMI, Laboratoire Techniques Territoires Sociétés (UMR LATTS), Université de Paris-Est

12h30 Lunch

- 14h00 1st session, run by Véronique BIAU, Centre de recherche sur l’habitat (CRH - UMR LAVUE), Ensa de Paris Val de Seine. Discussion leader: Elisabeth CAMPAGNAC, Laboratoire Techniques Territoires Sociétés (LATTS), Université de Paris-Est
The management of built environment, and transformations of public action

  1. Condominiums: reconciliation of image and uses. Agreement for qualitative new construction in Plaine Commune - Véronique GUILLAUMIN, general delegate for the Forum des politiques de l’habitat privé association, former Plaine Commune housing manager
  2. Partnering: conflict prevention within the framework of urban projects - David ROSS, city planner, City of Montreal

15h30 Break

- 15h45 2nd session, run by Michael FENKER, Laboratoire Espaces Travail (LET - UMR LAVUE), Ensa de Paris La Villette.
Sustainability and facilities management in the corporate real estate and public buildings sector: what drives the change of knowledge and practices?

  1. Redefining the place of use from the supplier’s point of view - Marie Cécile PUYBARAUD, Director Global WorkPlace Innovation Johnson Controls
  2. Professional and organizational changes in times of increased environmental and energy performance requirements, Jean-Philippe FOUQUET, Centre d’Expertise et de Transfert de l’Université (CETU) ETIcS and laboratoire CITERES (UMR-CNRS), Université François Rabelais de Tours.
  3. User organizations and the challenge of reducing energy consummation, Pascal PLOTEGHER, (FRICS) Member of Conseil de l’immobilier de l’État, Former Manager of Real Estate, Essilor International

17h30 End of the day’s activities

Tuesday 14 October

- 9h00 3rd session, run by Hélène SUBREMON, Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés (UMR LATTS), ENPC, UPEMLV. Discussion leader: Niels ALBERTSEN, Center for Strategic Byforskning, Aarhus School of Architecture
Changing postures, changing practices: professionals in a transition period

  1. Flooding: constraint or opportunity? The position of town planning professions when faced with an urban project in a area liable to flooding - Mathieu BONNEFOND, École supérieure des géomètres et topographes - CNAM, Mathilde GRALEPOIS, Université de Tours, Polytech’Tours, Département Aménagement, Sylvain RODE, Université Via Domitia de Perpignan, Département Géographie et Aménagement
  2. SPANC (public on-site sanitation service) professionals, between the application of sustainable development standards and the resistance of users - Jérôme ROLLIN, Université Lyon 2, Institut d’urbanisme de Lyon, Laboratoire Triangle - UMR 5206
  3. For a better incorporation of management and use issues in the design of built environment - Alice COLLET and Marie LLORENTE, Département Economie et Sciences Humaines, CSTB, Université Paris Est

10h40 Break

- 11h00 4th session, run by Élise MACAIRE, Laboratoire Espaces Travail (LET - UMR LAVUE), Ensa de Paris La Villette. Discussion leader: Judith LE MAIRE, Faculté d’Architecture La Cambre-Horta, Centre des Laboratoires Associés pour la Recherche en Architecture, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Architectural and urban design professionals faced with “managing” residents

  1. Rehousing in the new urban territories. Intermediate spaces as motors driving the dynamics of collective management - Paula PETIZ, Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo (CEAU), Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
  2. The resident and the creation of energy by the eco-districts. Process, design, handover - Isabelle GRUDET, Laboratoire Espaces Travail (LET -UMR LAVUE), Ensa de Paris La Villette
  3. Water and waste management: professional renewal - Daniel DUNET, Pôle environnement et socio-économie de Véolia recherche et innovation (VERI)
  4. Changing the approach to the relationship existing between architecture and technology thanks to the observation of the user - Marine MORAIN, architect/engineer, Arbor&sens, LYON

13h00 Lunch

- 14h10 5th session, run by Isabelle GRUDET, Laboratoire Espaces Travail (LET -UMR LAVUE), Ensa de Paris La Villette. Discussion leader: Laurent MATTHEY, Department of Geography and Environment at the University of Geneva
Management practices and new concerns for uses in public space

  1. Designers and sustainable urban projects: conditions for integrating management and use concerns in built spaces - Silvère TRIBOUT, Laboratoire Architecture Ville Urbanisme Environnement (LAVUE UMR CNRS), Équipe MOSAÏQUES - Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre La Défense
  2. Rainwater in public space: evolution of uses and management methods - Juliette CHAUVEAU and Taoufik SOUAMI, Laboratoire Techniques Territoires Sociétés (LATTS), Université de Paris-Est
  3. When management and gardening are both claimed to be processes for the design of public spaces, the evolution of professional cultures and performance conditions? - Armelle VARCIN, École nationale supérieure d’architecture et de paysage de Lille, Laboratoire Conception Territoire Histoire (LACTH)

15h50 Break

16h00 Summary and conclusions
Florence RUDOLF, Professor, Assistant Director of Amup, Ensas and Insa Strasbourg

16h40 End of the Rencontres

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REGISTRATION FORM - Thank you to return this form before 6th October 2014. Lunch reservation before 1st October.

Access Paris, Grande Arche de La Défense, Arche Sud, Room 2

Scientific organization of Rencontre 2014

Scientific coordination

  • Isabelle Grudet, researcher at the Laboratoire Espaces Travail (LET -UMR LAVUE), Ensa de Paris La Villette
  • Hélène Subrémon, researcher, LATTS (UMR 8134 - CNRS, ENPC, UPEMLV)
  • Nadine Roudil, researcher, Laboratoire Services Process Innovations, CSTB
  • Laure Heland, teacher and researcher at the Laboratoire Espaces Travail (LET -UMR LAVUE), Ensa de Paris La Villette

Scientific committee

  • Véronique Biau, director of the Centre de recherche sur l’habitat (CRH - UMR LAVUE), Ensa de Paris Val de Seine, member of the network’s scientific secretariat
  • Gilles Debizet, teacher and researcher, Umr Pacte, université de Grenoble
  • Michael Fenker, director of the Laboratoire Espaces Travail (LET - UMR LAVUE), Ensa de Paris La Villette, member of the network’s scientific secretariat
  • Patrice Godier, PAVE, associated with UMR Centre Emile Durkeim, Ensap de Bordeaux
  • Isabelle Grudet, researcher at the Laboratoire Espaces Travail (LET -UMR LAVUE), Ensa de Paris La Villette
  • Laure Heland, teacher and researcher at the Laboratoire Espaces Travail (LET -UMR LAVUE), Ensa de Paris La Villette
  • Elise Macaire, researcher at the au Laboratoire Espaces Travail (LET - UMR LAVUE), Ensa de Paris La Villette, head of the network
  • Géraldine Molina, researcher, IRSTV, Ecole centrale de Nantes
  • Nadine Roudil, researcher, Laboratoire Services Process Innovations, CSTB
  • Hélène Subrémon, researcher, LATTS (UMR 8134 - CNRS, ENPC, UPEMLV)

This conference is organized with the support of Région Île-de-France, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Université Paris Lumières, UMR Lavue CNRS 7218 and École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-La Villette. It is hosted by the Ministère de l’Écologie, du développement durable et de l’énergie - PUCA.

See online : Link to the call for papers issued in October 2013

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