Accueil du site > 04. Documentation > Unidentified Flying Object for Contemporary Architecture

Anselmo (A.), Hamzeian (B.), Lampariello (B.)

Unidentified Flying Object for Contemporary Architecture

Ufo’s Experiments Between Political Activism and the Artistic Avant-Garde

Actar Publishers, octobre 2022, 388 pages.

19 octobre 2022 / Livres

"Le livre, qui accompagne une exposition au FRAC Centre-Val de Loire, est le fruit d’un travail de recherche amenée dans les dernières trois années par Beatrice Lampariello, Andrea Anselmo et Boris Hamzeian, et financée par le Ministère Italien de la Culture. Il est consacré au groupe d’architecture radicale UFO, de la redécouverte de son histoire à son héritage dans l’architecture contemporaine. "

"UFO. With this name, in 1968, a group of students from the Faculty of Architecture in Florence began to create works that altered the daily functioning of the city, the regular course of exhibitions and the organization of the territory. Designed to appear obscure in their meanings and objectives, even "unidentified", these works create an absolute coincidence between the name of the group and their work. Nearly sixty years later and after a limited number of studies, a new research conducted by Beatrice Lampariello, Andrea Anselmo and Boris Hamzeian reveals the creative intentions of the group, crossing the barrier that UFO itself had erected between its work and its interpretation. On the occasion of the publication of a book edited by Actar Publishers, Lampariello, Anselmo and Hamzeian, accompanied by Traumnovelle, present UFO’s ephemeral, participatory, artisanal and protest architecture as a performative language in radical Florence ; and illustrate its legacy for new generations of architects."

Voir la présentation de l’ouvrage sur le site des éditions Actar

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